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Binny VA
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Boot Booster V 2.01.A
BD V 1.01.B
Trailers III
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Breaking News
12/06/2004 : Boot Booster V2.01.A program realeased. Available for free download.
01/06/2004 : Literally Breaking News : I am breaking up my site. I moving Binny VA from tripod to another free hosting site geocities. You can access it at http://www.geocities.com/binnyva.
08/06/2004 : My program BD V 1.01.B is relashed. It is a DIR replacement program. Available for download.
07/05/2004 : The website of Chuch At Kallamassery is published. Access it here.

I moving Binny VA from tripod to another free hosting site - geocities. I don't know which site you are visiting - the tripod or geocites one. The tripod site is a more complete site and have much more files. But I am moving all the files to the geocites server and soon the job will be over. I have done this because of the great loading time in Tripod. Their ads take forever to load. Geocites is much better.
Tripod Site    : http://binnyva.tripod.com
Geocities Site : http://www.geocities.com/binnyva

This is the site of Binny V Abraham(that's me). If you want a sight of me look top-left. It's Me. No, that picture is not mine. That is my Logo - It's Me. If you click on that picture, you will get me. Now sit down and enjoy the sight of my site - even thought I am not much of a sight...

Right. Lets get down to business. I am Binny, as you know, and I design websites. This site is a collection of many sites. See the Hosted Sites on the left to see other sites in BinnyVA.Tripod.comTM. I have designed other websites too, friend. I design websites for others. For more information check out my Services section.

My other hobbies are designing software. Take for example Lyrics Database. There are others like Processing Machine, Bible Aid, Boot Recorder, ScanDisk Practical Joke etc. My softwares are distributed under the name of Binny's Softwares(My Official Company) ;-).

Then I design CDs. I have already released three CD - The CD I, The CD II and The CD III. These CDs are distribute under the name 'The CD Series'. I am planing for my next CD - as always. The CD Series contains the best of all the programs that I have encountered in my search for softwares. As I am opposed to piracy, there are no pirated software in my CDs. These CDs gives away software that are Freeware, Adware, Shareware, Trial, Demo etc. If used properly, these CDs will give you enough software, that you can still function without pirated softwares, just like I function now. Then there is a huge collection of E-Books, Tutorials, Pictures, Games, Multimedia and Other stuff on the CDs. These CD are not the average CDs-that-I-make-if-I-have-a-CD Writer-at-home CDs. They are professionally made CDs with HTML Documentation and very User Friendly interface. All in all these are very good CDs. Each CD is priced at 35 Rs. If interested in buying one, or the whole batch, contact me. Note: The CD I is lost because of misuse. The CD IV will be a clone of The CD I. The CD IV is under construction. All these CDs can be previewed in the site. The full HTML content of the CDs are uploaded to my site. You can browse through them but you cannot download any thing from them. Check it out here

Then there is encoding cassette to mp3 format and writing them to a CD - if wanted...
I have released five such CDs. The released ones are Speeches A1 to A5. The next CD is in production. For more info on this business, go to Phileo Ministries Site.

Right... Now go ahead and try my site out. Hope you enjoy.
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  Site developed by Binny V Abraham.

  Please e-mail suggestions and other messages to binnyva@rediffmail.com

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