There are two kind of service in this service. One is a CD creation service. The other is a reduction on already made CDs. The details of both services are given below. Register for the services.
In the CD creation service, I will make a CD on any subject that you need. For that service, you must write a e-mail to me describing what all you will need. I will see whether I can make it or not and contact you within two weeks with all the details. If you still want the CD I will write it and give you. Needless to say, the price of these CDs will me more than that of the other CDs as it has only one buyer. The price will vary from CD to CD.
For eg. if it is an easy topic like Games, the price will be just 20 to 25 Rs. If it more specific topic like strategy games or FPS games, the price will increase to, say, 30 Rs. If you want more specific things like all games of the company 'ID' like Doom etc., it is quite likely that I won't be able to make that for you. If I can, it will cost you above 100 Rs. You can ask for any subject like Software Development tools, Graphic tools, MP3 tools, Video tools, etc. You can ask for anything that comes to you mind.
Please note one important thing: I will not include pirated content in my CDs. Want to know why? Click here. I can only provide softwares those are freeware, shareware, trial, demo, Open Source, adware, etc. To avail my service you have to be a member of this service. To be a member, register here
In the reduction services, you can get reductions for the CDs that I have created and put up for sale*. Some are priced at 50 Rs while others as low as 30 Rs. By registering here, you can reduce the prices up to 15 Rs.
The CDs are:
Name Of CD | Price for Non-Members | Price for Members | Reduction |
The CD II | Rs 50 | Rs 35 | Rs 15 |
The CD III | Rs 50 | Rs 35 | Rs 15 |
Trailers CD | Rs 30 | Rs 20 | Rs 10 |
Trailers CD II | Rs 30 | Rs 20 | Rs 10 |
Up coming CDs - The CD IV, Trailers CD 3, Reinstall CD
To be a member, register here
* - These CDs do not include the CDs from Philio Audio Ministries.