C++ Programs

Some programs made by me. Not all that very useful stuff, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But then again, you don't know whether they are useful or not. Why not try them out. There is a small problem though. The programs are DOS Executables. Hope you don't have a problem with that.

BDirA new dimension to the 'dir' command in Dos - BDir. Provides a grahical display for dir.bdir.zip1.87 KB
Tic Tac ToeThe Game Tic Tac Toe(or Nots And Crosses). Human vs Computer, Human vs Human options available.game.zip6.19 KB
Scan JokeFakes a Scan disk reporting a Virus at start up. A practical joke.joke.zip3.24 KB
Boot RecorderRecords the computer's booting and shutdown times.recorder.zip8.58 KB