S a d h u K o c h u K u n c h j u U p a d e s i |
The Ministry
Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi traveled all over Kerala and Southern India(Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka) to preach the Gospel. He had a habit of trusting in God for all of his needs.
He spend hours in prayer as he sought guidance from God.
His major method of spreading the gospel was by speaking in large gatherings. He did about 30
years of intensive gospel work. This is an indication of this commitment. He not only spoke of
spiritual things, but also talked about social issues.
The speeches of Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi was enjoyed by old and young alike. He used stories, examples, experiences and humor liberally to add colour to his speeches. So the ministry of Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi had great results in the lands of Kerala and South India. The results were that many were saved in his meetings. It is not unusual to see drunkards coming to his meetings and going back as a new man. Most of the conversions were genuine and those who came to Christ shared their faith with their friends and family. Thus the ministry of Kochu Kunchju was a great success. It brought salvation and revival to many parts of Southern India. It also opened the doors to many future Christian missions. The End Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi went to meet the Lord in the december of 19432. He was 60 years of age. Thus Kerala lost one of the greatest christian missionary that walked on its lands.