S a d h u K o c h u K u n c h j u U p a d e s i |
The trials Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi went through was enough to discourage any normal man. His mother died he was only 15. His father died three years later to add to his worries. After that one of his son died in 10851. Another died some years after that. He had many physical difficulties because many illness plagued him. This was largely due to his eccentric eating habits. Some years of his life really discouraged him but he continued in his dedication to the Lord. These difficulties did not deter his determination to serve the Lord. Contributions to Christanity Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi said that mystisism provided the totality of Christanity. He used to pray for hours in a very dimly lit room in order to archive this experience. He also published a booklet called "Parama Christanism". But one of the most known of his contributions are his songs. He wrote many songs that are enjoyed by many christians in Kerala even today. His songs brought hope and happiness to many lives. He used to write songs in malayalam language. One of his most famous songs are Dukatinta Panapatram.... He wrote this particular song when his child died. He wrote many other songs too. He was the source of many missionary movements in Kerala. Lifestyle and Principles Sadhu Kochu Kunchju Upadesi set a standard or set of rules for himself which he strived to active. He decided to cut
all his contact with women and decided that he would have no more children as he believed that
his current children where enough. He also dedicated much of his time to book reading to increase
his knowledge about God and The word of God along with other things. He also decided to control
his eating habits. He had only a very little amount of food daily and also fasted a lot. This
caused many ailments in the later part of his life.