Using the search

Welcome to the PCQuest CD-ROM search page. This allows you to search for software we’ve carried on previous CDs (including the February 2002 CD), as well as articles in previous issues of PCQuest, beginning January 2001. You’ll also be able to read the articles that appeared in the March to January 2002 issues of PCQuest.

Search tips

You can search for articles in one or all of the following categories: Technology, Review, Developers, Hands On, News, and Columns. Similarly, you can search for software in one or all of the categories that you find on our CD. These comprise Games, Featured, Internet, Developers, Indianware, Utilities, Linux, and Macintosh.

Enter the keywords for whatever you’re looking, using as many synonyms as possible. This is because our search script will look for each separate keyword that you’ve entered. For example, if you typed in chat clients, it will look for software or articles in which chat appears, and those in which clients appears. If you’re searching for a particular phrase, enclose it in double quotes, for example, “download managers”.

System Requirements

The search has been tested and found to work with IE 4.01 and above and Netscape Navigator 4.05 and above.