Heaven And Hearts


The preacher yelled from the pulpit,
"there is a God who lives in heaven,
and if you open up your heart,
then He would reside in it."


The physics sir showed me the space,
there was the sun, moon and the stars,
and all that came with the Bang,
but the heaven was nowhere in sight!

The Bio teacher dissented the heart,
but I couldn't see God in it!
When she taught, I dreamt of apes and Man,
churned out of a soup, fighting to be the dissented.


And I saw a million marching martyrs,
fell by spears, swords and bullets,
led by the Apostles, in legions and battalions,
gazing at heaven, with cross etched on their hearts.

Why did they chose death,
if there wasn't a God in heaven and hearts?
Now I know for sure
that God is in heaven and hearts.