CGI Perl scripts

I made these scripts to work for my site. But if you have any use for any of them, you can use it in your site. But to really be a perl master, you must learn to modify the script to your own personalized script.

If you wish to test any of these scripts, get any server that is capable of running perl scripts(I would recommand Sambar Server available at, and access the html file from the server.

Guest Book V 1.00.C
This script is to collect visitor information form the public and store in a file for your viewing. This script also includes a self created acknowledgment page. It is essential to have the form to which this file should be linked. Without it, this script will not function. 'guestbook.html' is the file that takes in the info and passes it to the script
Logger and Traffic Analyzer V 1.00.B
This script will function as a Hit Counter and as a Logger. It will log all the hits to a html file with the visitor number, date and time. If the Traggic Analyzer script is used with this script, it will give you a graphical break down of your visitors. It compare the hits in Morning and Evening, in the different hours of the day, and in all the months. It will display the results in a very detailed and attractive graphical form.
Message Board V1.00.A
This script will act as a public messageboard. Any one can enter a new message and the message board gets automatically updated with the latest message there.
Registerer V 1.00.B
This script if for those who want a user registeration service at your site. This script will take the following details from the user. User ID, Password, Confirm Password, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Profession,E-Mail Address, Home Address and Phone Number. All the info will be saved to a text file. I have not made the analizer for that file yet, but I will do it soon.
Responder V 1.00.A
This script takes the response of the users to any thing. Just give a small form at the end of the page for which you want the response. The info from the users will be logged in a text file which can be analysed by the response analyser script(