HTML Editors

Many WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editors are available (e.g., Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Claris Home Page or Adobe PageMill, both for Windows and Macintosh). You may wish to try one of them until you learn some of the basics of HTML tagging. WYSIWYG editors let you design your HTML document visually, as if you were using a word processor, instead of writing the markup tags in a plain-text file and imagining what the results would be. But it is always useful to know basic HTML tags to code a document even if you are using a WYSIWYG editor, in case you want to add HTML features that your editor doesn't support.

To make very good sites, one must know HTML tagging. There are many good HTML editors out there. Any text editors can be used to make HTML pages. There are people out there making HTML pages on Notepad! But for us lesser mortals, it would help to have some software which will aid us in this mission. Some examples for famous HTML Editors are: HotDog, 1st Page etc. The editor you chose will greatly reduce the time and headache of makeing a site if it is chosen correctly.

The features that one must look for in a HTML editor are -

Some good Editors (Non WYSWYG)

1st Page - My favorite editor.
Pros :
  1. Good Syntax suport
  2. Better Interface
  3. Has many quick tools like Tidy Html, Source Compresser, Source Format And Fix.(Also internal file viewer with picture viewing ability.)
  4. Has wysiwyg componets table creation, Image adding, Font, Javascript etc
  5. Great help files(about HTML elements)
  6. Has 3 diffrent interface (Easy, Expert, Hardcore)
  7. Can store codes for later use
  8. Has a big collection of javascript codes that you can use
  9. Has Spell Check, Thesarus, Real time spell check
  10. Open files and folder easly by use of favorites
  11. Can preview in diffrent resolutions
Problems :
  1. No Drag and Drop of files to open
  2. Many bugs
  3. No Updating
  4. Poor documantation(About software)
  5. Can't View many windows together
  6. No Macro or Recording

Crimson Editor
Pros :
  1. Fast Loading
  2. Can add many tools and help files
Problems :
  1. Not a Html Editor. More of a text editor.
  2. Can't drag text.
  3. No WYSWIG Componets
  4. No support for html components

Pros :
  1. Fast Loading
  2. Codes can be stored for later use
  3. Any tag can be used from a side bar
  4. Can add many tools and help files
  5. Costimizable Keyboard Shortcuts
Problems :
  1. Not a Html Editor. More of a text editor.
  2. Can't link a file in html(One must type the file location manually)
  3. Not Free

Pros :
  1. Very compact
  2. Small loading time
  3. Programable Syntax and support
  4. Even though a text editor we can program it to get all HTML elements
Problems :
  1. Must program all we want
  2. No Spell Check
  3. Not Free

Pros :
  1. A unique feature called Code explorer
  2. Syntax checker and Evaluator
  3. Has wysiwyg componets table creation, Image adding, Font, Javascript etc
  4. Has a big collection of javascript codes that you can use
Problems :
  1. Big Loading time
  2. Slow Software

Pros :
  1. Lots of options
  2. Has wysiwyg componets table creation, Image adding, Font, Javascript etc
Problems :
  1. Slow Loading