My ability with computer is the reason for the existance of the site BinnyVA. I have a site for all areas that I am intrested, but not on computers. So I have desided to come up with this site.
One of my abilities that I am really thankful of having is the ability to learn new softwares and computer languages very eaisly. I have used this ability to learn HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl etc. These are all languages used on the web. I have used all my knowledge to build my site which is updated many times. There are some languages that I still have not conqured yet like ASP(Active Server Pages), PHP(Personal Home Pages) etc. I will try to learn these two languages in the future. I have left out languages like VisualBasicScript, Python etc. because I have studied other languages that will do the same function as these.
A rule for me to study a new language is to have the compiler of the language. I have tried to study Java(Java of Sun, not the JavaScript) language. I experinced a very bitter failure there. It is too complicated and even to do small things one has to write long lines of commands. So I left Java. It is not a very popular language anyway. Sour Grapes. But I have recently launched another attempt at conquring JAVA at the advise of one my cousin. I was going good till I found another language to create Windows Programs - ANSI C. But I still have to find a good tutorial for it. From the source, it looks like assembly language to me. Another language I have learned is C++. The only language I learned professionaly. I studied it in XII std. in school.
I have studied some languages by reading some tutorials or help files and some by seeing others code. My preffered way of studing some language is by studing someone's code. So, if any one is intrested in studing a languge by seeing the code, you are welcome to my site. It is for this perpose that I have created this site. You can get my scripts from this site. You are also given the right to modify and use the code. If you have some intresing code, and want to share it, you can submit it here.