Two thousand spectators, two umpires, Fifty security personals, twenty two players, Still, even when facing such choice, The pigeon chose me as its target. Why me? "To be or not to be. That is the question." T'is said. Not so. Why me? That, is the question. Any person, irrespective of time and place, Would judge me as a pessimist without grace. "The worst pest is a Pessimist." They would exhort. Those people, those optimists, as they styled themselves. They mock me day in and day out. They do not know what the truth is. But you, O reader, don't fall in this trap. The real reasons must be within your grasp. For optimism, that stupid emotion, is a feeling. That one has before he has all the facts. Do not think even for the briefest second That for you, being a pessimist is not destined. Indeed, every single one of us has pessimist blood. Else why do we look for vehicles before crossing the road? A pessimist is always in good company. With us stands great people like Murphy, Who verbalised the gnome, now called Murphy's Law. "If anything can go wrong, It will." But aspiring to be like Murphy would be a lacking, a lacking in ambition beyond reasoning. When compared to the greatest of us, Murphy, bless his name, was an optimist. His law is out dated for some years, For another law we are all ears. This is our new law, a more accurate one. "If anything can't go wrong, it will find a way to." |
NOTE: I, Binny V A, did not write this poem to express my feelings. I wrote this poem to make fun of my father and my brother, who are the greatest pessimist known to me. As for me, I AM A DIE-HARD OPTIMIST.