The Coming of Christ for the Church
Matt 24:36-51
The words of Christ about His bodily coming has divided people into two groups
(1) Leberals Theologians They reject Christ's bodily return.
(2) Conservative Theologians Generally they believe in Christ's bodily coming for the church. But some of them share liberal view.
Our duty as believers is not to come to conclusion or extremes that Christ will not come bodily at all or that He will come exactly on so and so date. We as believers should be ready and cultivate Christian virtues in preparation for His coming.
Christian virtues to cultivate in waiting for Christ's coming. (vs 36)
When Christ said that only the father knew the time of His comig it did not mean that He as God doesn't know the time but in His humility, ie. as man He did not know when He was coming for the church He was submitting to the authority of the Father even though equal to Him. His humanity was the secret of His submissiveness and the blessed relationship with the Father.
We as blelievers also should be humble and that should lead to submissivness our relationship with others of God.
(Col 3:12, I Pet 5:5, Eph 4:1-2)
a) Preach rightousness, ie. the qospel, and don't sit idle because that will lead to sins. eg David.
b) Obey God's commandments like Noah. (Gen 7:5)
c) Walk with God. (Gen 6:9)
d) Live a blameless life. (Gen 6:9)