8th Session
By Elders & Missionaries
Open Disscussion On Growing In Giving
Question & Answers
Q) What is it to give for the Lord's work?
A) Giving for the sake of the gospel has two main aspects.
1) Giving as a part of a worship to God by accepting Him as the sovereign owner of all things.
2) Giving for the building of the church(disciples) and for evangelization.
Giving for the gospel includes first oneself and then ones possessions like money and other possessions
Q) How much should a believer give as Tithe to God?
A) There is no passage in the NT on how much to give as tithe. But there is clear verses in the NT on how to five. It should be out of a willing and glad heart and not out of pressure or sorrow. There are also a clear verses that say giving should be according to ones capability and even beyond ie. sacrifically. The emphasis in the NT is in the attitude and sacrifice that goes behind one giving more than how much we give. But in the OT an average Jew give about 34% of his income.
Q) How should the giving to be done by believers?
A) When Giving the most important thing is the state intention of one's heart. When giving the four things to keep in mind are:
1) It should be done systematically.
2) It should be done sacrificially
3) It should be done cheerfully
4) It should be done honestly unlike Annanais and Sapphera who showed that they give more than they actually gave.
Q) Is it right to receive offerings from unbelievers for the church and its work.
A) There is nothing wrong in receiving and using the money given by unbelievers for the use of the church, as long as it is not asked from them, since they also have been blessed by the Lord and are giving a portion of it back. A lot of great men of God have received offerings in this manner. But when this is done the following have to be noted and the offering refused if needed.
1) The intention with which the offering is given by the unbeliever ie. whether it is for his or her salvation or to get more in return (prosperity gospel concept). For this the unbeliever's intention must be found out and God's criteria for giving made clear and if consented the offering can be accepted.
2) Offerings should not be asked for from unbelievers but if given without asking then after clarifying the intentions, it can be refused or accepted accordingly.
Two reasons for not encouraging asking and accepting of offerings form unbelievers for the church and the work is
1) They do not get eternal benefits like believers for doing it.
2) It will affect the testimony of the church and hinder the fruits of its work.
Bible verses of Paul accepting offerings of unbelievers (Acts 28:7-10)
Q) When a sale is made eg. land or any other property does a portion of it have to be given to the Lord?
A) A portion of all profits got on any transcation by a believer has to be given to the Lord.
Q) When the property of a family is partitioned or a share of the property of the girl is given at the time of Marrage, is a potion given to the Lord?
A) Yes.
Q) How should a full time worker spent the money he gets for his work?
A) He can spend for all his genuine needs and that of his family like all other believers eg. children education, food, marrage, health etc. Lord and also give his portion of Tith to the Lord.
Q) Should the elders deacons of missionaries be paid a salary for their work?
A) According to the scriptures a laborer deserves his wages and this is the same for gospel workers. Whether they should be paid a fixed salary or not is up to the church but the important thing is that they get paid for their work and not be denied of it.