Logic and Fallacies of Logic
Errors of Interpretation
I. Errors of Deduction Fallacies Of Form (Formal Fallacies)
- Fallacy of Four Words
- Error Of Undistributed Middle
- Error Due to Illicit Major
- Errors Due to Illicit Minor
- Fallacy arising out of two negative premises
- Fallacy arising out of two particular premises
- Fallacy arising out of Denying the Antecedent
- Fallacy arising out of affirming the consequent
- Fallacy arising out of improper disjunciton
- Material Fallacies
- Fallacy of Presumption
- Fallacy of Equivocation
II. Errors Due To Ambiguity(Amphiboly)
- Errors due to ambiguous terms
- Fallacy arising out of fiqures of speech
- Fallacy of Composition
- Fallacy of Division
- Fallacy of Accident
- Fallacy of Dilemma
III. Fallacy of Accent - Fallacies of Concept
- The error of Circular Reasoning (Petition Principii)
- Fallacy of Multiple Questions
- Fallacy of Sidetracking (Ignoratio Elenchi)
- The Fallacy of Argument by Accusation (Argumentum Ad Hominem)
- The Fallacy of Argument by Mob Emotions (Argumentum Ad Populum)
- The Fallacy of Argument by Exploiting the Ignorance of Listeners (Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam)
- The Fallacy of Argument by Appealing to the Opinion of Famous People (Argumentum Ad Verecundium)
- The Fallacy of Argument by Threatening (Argumentum Ad Baculum)
IV. Fallacies Of Induction
- Due To Faulty Language
- Double Meaning
- Undefined Terms
- Figurative Language
- Due To Faulty Observation
- Due To Faulty Logic
- Fallacies Of Hypothesis
- Hasty Generalization
- Due To Human Nature
- Influnce of The Tribe
- Influence of Nature
- Influence of The Market-Place
- Influence of Popular Ideas