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Charles Mead(1792 - 1873) worked the most for education in Travancore. He attend all the students to the schools irrespective of their religion, race or caste. Lessons were taught in Malayalam to aid the locals. 3R's(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic), Geography, English, History and Bible lessons. In 1855, Mead was made the Superintendent of the schools. His biggest establishment was Nagercoil Seminary. Many people were trained for missions in that institution. In 1950 it was made a 'I' grade college under the name of Scott Christian College.

Church Missionary Society began work in Kottayam at the beginning of the 19th century. They began a Collage at Kottayam where Christians and Non-Christian where granted admission and where taught secular subjects. By 1904, Church Missionary Society had established 290 schools. English education was first introduced in Cochin in the year 1818 by J Pasen. Unfortunately, it was closed after 3 years due to lack of students. Basel Evangalical Mission started English education in Malabar. Habek started an English school near Kannur in Varnashali in 1841. The Primary school that was started in 1840 was shifted to Kozikode in 1850. This school later on grew to become the Malabar Christian Collage. The Brennan school, which was started in 1862, became the Govenment Brannen College.

Education of Women
The wife of Charles Mead started a boarding school for Girls in 1819 in Nagar Covil. The students there attended the Duthae High school. Other schools where also started for girls. In 1820 Miss Nortan established a girls school at Alapuza. Mrs Baily established another at Kottayam in 1822. She appointed women teachers to handle the teaching and distributed leaflets to educate the locals about the importance of education. By 1837, South Travancore had 15 school for girls.

Technical Education
Cambridge Nicoleson founded a technical school in 1860 at Kottayam. This Institute become Teaches Training School. There were many institutions that taught Printing, book binding, stitching, embroidery to help the people to find jobs. Many such schools aided the women to find jobs and it was a huge step toward their empowerment.


Many local believers were expelled from their houses for accepting the faith. The missionaries had to find a means of support for these converts. So they thought of starting Industries. Such Industrial endeavor were primarily done by Basel mission. This helped many people who were not christians along with the new converts. By 1913, The Basel Mission factories had employed 3633 people. 74% of the people employed there were believers.

In 1851 a weaving Industry was started in Kannur. Later, handloom weaving Industry were established in Thalasery and Calicut(1859). A Dye House was installed in Koylandy in 1880. Mrs Molt opened a Pillow Cover Lace industry in 1821 at Trivandore. Gorge Blebest, in 1865, launched a Machenised Roof Tiles Making Factory in Mangloor. Later on, Roof Tile Making industries were established in many places like Kozikode, Ferrok, Kottakal, Palakad etc. Many domestic articles like roof tiles, floor tile, flower pots etc were made in these factories.

The work done in these industries were so large that the Basel mission had to started a Mechanical factory for repairing the machines of the hand loom and tile making factories. Many people were hired for industrial work and for marketing. Thus the missionaries created significant impact in the Industrial sphere.

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