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Reference Notes1. http://www.geocities.com/dravidasamayam/origin.html2. I Kings 10:22 3. History Text Book, Std 10th, Kerala State 4. D.N. Kundra , History of India , Gur Das Kapur & Sons (p) Ltd.- Delhi - 1977- P.50. BiblographyHistory Text Book, Std 10th, Kerala StateMalayalam Text Book, Std 10th, CBSE Board(NCERT) Malayalam Text Book, Std 9th, Kerala State Amiglobe Altas Software Website of 'The Revival Movement of Dravidian Religion'. URL: http://www.geocities.com/dravidasamayam/ AcknowledgmentsI wish to thank Br. Sunny for letting me use his report on Kerala Missions as a source of infomation. Plagiarism is indeed the best form of praise. I also thank T V George uncle for helping me to collect and compile all this information.