
1) To arrange text in columns with the cursor running from one column to the next.

2) In Windows, a method of moving from one button or field to another without using the mouse, but by pressing the tab key to move the focus.


A bar that normally runs along the bottom of the screen in Windows 95 and displays the Start button and a list of other programs or windows that are currently active. You can move the entire taskbar to any of the four sides of the screen by clicking on the bar and dragging it to another edge .


Stands for transmission control protocol/interface program. A set of standard commands used in networks and the Internet to allow computers to exchange information.

TCP/IP Stack

To properly use the TCP/IP protocol, PCs require a TCP/IP stack. This consists of TCP/IP software, sockets software (such as WINSOCK.DLL for Windows machines), and hardware driver software (known as packet drivers). Windows 95 comes with Microsoft's own built-in TCP/IP stack, including version 1.1 of Microsoft's WINSOCK.DLL and packet drivers.


Communicating with other people through the computer using communication software and modems.


Using computers for telecommunication; computer networking.


To link video, audio and computer signals from different locations so that distant people can talk and see each other.


The Internet standard protocol to connect to remote terminals. Telnet clients are available for most platforms. When you Telnet to a UNIX site, for example, you can issue commands at the prompt as if the machine were local.


A template is a file containing standard section of text, such as a memo or invoice, into which specific details such as company address or prices can be added.


A device connected to a computer network that acts as a point for entry or retrieval of information. Personal computers can be made to act as network terminals, by running terminal emulation (communication) programs.

Terminal Adaptor

A device which processes signals coming into a computer from a telecommunications system. Such a device used on analog phone lines is a modem.

Text file

A file stored on disk that contains text rather than graphics or data.


A file which contains a collection of synonyms that are displayed as alternatives to a mis-spelt word when running a spell check. Also provides a useful vocabulary guide when composing letters or any other type of document.

32-bit system

A processor that is capable of handling 32-bit data.


A conference topic with multiple responses or a sequence of e-mail messages with the same subject.


A miniature graphical representation of an image. Used by graphic designers as a quick and convenient method of viewing the contents of graphics or DTP files before they are retrieved.


Stands for tag image file format. A standard file format used to store graphic images (developed by Aldus and Microsoft) that can handle monochrome, grey-scale, 8-bit or 24-bit colour images.

There have been many different versions of TIFF that include several different compression algorithms.

Time out

What happens when two computers are talking and one fails to respond within a certain time, for whatever reason.

Title bar

A horizontal bar at the top of a window which displays the title of the window or of the application.


Using one command or keystroke to change between one mode and its opposite.


A window that contains a range of icons that allows you to access different tools. For example, paint programs normally have a toolbar that includes different icons for colours, brush, circle, text and erasor tools. A floating toolbar is a movable window that can be positioned anywhere on screen .


A feature of Windows 95 that displays a line of descriptive text under an icon when you move the pointer over that particular icon .


In a conference, a message which is generally written to convey a new idea or a new piece of information, relevant to that conference.

Touch screen

A computer display which has a grid of infra-red transmitters and receivers, positioned on either side of the screen, and which is used to control a cursor position. When you want to make a selection or to move the cursor, you point to the screen, breaking two of the beams, which gives the exact position of your finger.


An outline font technology introduced by Apple and Microsoft as a means of printing exactly what is displayed on screen. The technology is also capable of producing fonts that can be scaled to any point size while still remaining smooth.